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Disabled Veteran Plates

Friday, October 29, 2021

DV (Disabled Veteran) Plates will soon require Disability Placard in 2022

This is for informational purposes only. For clarification to the law or specific changes, you need to contact your state representative or view more details on the Texas Department of Vehicles website (

Effective Jan. 1, 2022 Senate Bill 792 requires that as of Jan. 1, 2022, anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA, and all Texans with these plates are permitted to use disabled parking.


  • Veterans with “DV” plates but without the ISA symbol or a placard will not be able to park in a handicapped spot but may still receive a complimentary UTA parking permit.  
  • DV plates with a handicapped placard or DV plates with the ISA symbol may park in disabled parking spots with their issued UTA DV and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) permits.

To request a placard or ISA plate: Eligible veterans may request a DMV form VTR-24 ( to be filled out by their medical professional to receive a handicapped placard from their local tax assessor office.

  • Provide the UTA Parking office with your updated DV plate or placard information to update your current DV permit and receive a new complimentary ADA permit or get a new DV permit and/or a new DV and ADA permit.

If you need to park in an ADA stalls, you need two credentials: (1) The DV plate with an ADA placard or (2) DV plate with ISA symbol. The DV permit is your permit to park on campus and the ADA permit allows you to park in all available ADA spaces. Both permits are required to park and are complimentary. Plate and Placard ownership will be verified with the Texas DMV. Please reach out to the Parking department (, 817-272-3907) with any questions on this.


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